Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another long journey comes 2 an END...

Its been 3 years since I 1st entered UMS...
It feels like its just been yesterday when I reached UMS at night,taking a long n tired journey all over 4m Kuching 2 KK...
Dragging 2 big bags with me...
All d way up 2 my temporary room at Kg A...
Went through MSM...(A lonely n tiring week)
Been introduced 2 SPTA lecturers n seniors...

Oya,my 1st ever friends in SPTA r' Rosenani (been friend since Form 4),
Shea Chan Loong (whom I called Along cz at 1st I couldn't catch his name properly)

n Leong Siew Fang@Fang2 (still remember her broken BM).(d girl in dark blue shirt)

Used 2 walk all over 4m DKP 2 SPTA cz they hav 2 meet their P.A.(Dr. John)

D real journey started when I went 4 d first field trip with all of d 1st year students 2 Taman Pertanian Sabah, Tenom...(can't find d pictures cz 2 many pictures taken all these years)
That was d first step 4 us 2 mingle around other than doing d field work...
Been in a group mixed with chinese n indian girls n guys
(D concept of 1Malaysia haven't been introduced at tat time but in SPTA U can c it)
Can mixed well with all of them was 1 of d bonus living in UMS as SPTA student

I am not a person 2 mingle around n b friendly at a short time...
I rather sit n talk only when I was asked cz I don't want people 2 hav bad 1st impression bout me...
Other reasons: I tend 2 b too comfortable 2 speak when I feel that, that person is interesting 2 talk 2...

Our journey continued with Family Camp....
held by SPTA staffs n seniors 4 d juniors
When I 1st heard bout it, I feel really bad...
I hate d concept where seniors r' given chance 2 torture n bully their juniors...
Now I know d meaning behind this
Family Camp is not just 2 bully n torture juniors just like what I used 2 think of
It was a way 2 get 2 know your seniors,SPTA staffs n d real meaning of Forestry
It is an introduction 2 all juniors 2 get ready n open their hearts toward Forestry
It was fun actually...
U hav d chance 2 know ur fellow friends,seniors,
U can experience d life in d forest,
U can learn how 2 survive in d forest,
U can learn how 2 respect people,etc

1 thing I really can't 4get bout our Family Camp...
D nite when all of us was forced 2 get in2 d river at 2-3am in d morning (It was said tat 'Kena Rendam' is d tradition in SPTA) 4 about 5-10 minutes while singing our hearts loud
B4 tat all of us was seated on d wet n cold ground...
Where all of d facilitators yelled at us without reasons...(Still their yelling voice can't fight our sleepiness,most of us got yelled at cz we fall asleep while waiting 4 d highlight of d night)
It was really5 a mind n body torture 2 all of us
Tat was d 1st time I ever cried because I can't feel anything anymore
It was like all ur tiredness,sleepiness n all d 'ness' gone
Juz d feelings of hatred towards seniors reach their maximum level
I almost died of cold after I really can't stand being cold


1 person I can't get out of my hatred towards him...
A senior called Jack...
He had been so sarcastic 2 me cz I didn't get massaged at my neck 4m d back by d person sitting at my back (coincidentally it was Rose) as requested
'Kamu,kenapa kamu xmau kena urut?Geli ka?Kalo geli mari sini saya tolong urutkan!'
Yo...I really can't get a massaged esp at my neck area cz it will end up swelling!
4m tat moment,I really can't face him cz everytime I c him,I feel like punching him at his neck

Above all...tat was my 1st interesting n long journey in these 3 years

2 b continued...